How we utilize every square foot, and create spaces within spaces, by way of building codes.
Did you know, that El Segundo building codes allow for the front porch of your home to encroach into the front yard setback to be 16 feet from the property line? Why would anyone want this, you may ask?
We love front porch living. All of our home developments have had a big porch, swing bed, outdoor fire pit, and a spot to sit and sip.
While you must have (by code), a setback of 20-22 feet for a garage, if you want to capitalize on a porch, and don’t have a ton of space to work with, you can have your porch encroach onto the setback beyond your garage. As long as you leave 16 feet to the property line, your good to go!
So, how do you turn this
into this 
The average El Segundo setback from a house to the property line, is 22-25 feet. If you want a large front porch, you have to give up a little yard. Our porch is set to be 320 square feet. Some would say that’s overkill, but when you categorize it as a secondary living space, it all makes sense.
This gorgeous porch set up by the designers of Plank & Pillow, is one of my favs. It’s just a touch of contemporary, but feels relaxed and inviting. The only problem with this layout, is that you can’t actually swing the bed without hitting the wall behind it. It’s not just about the look, we always consider the functionality of what we do.
While the placement of this gorgeous white swing bed (by Leah G. Bailey Design) is headed in a better direction; the functionality of the all white, french fluffy pillows wouldn’t hold up to kids, a dog, and the damp morning dew we get living by the beach.
So… how will we combine the designs and concepts of all four of these amazing porch set-ups? We shall see!
Next week we are diving into framing and rooflines, full speed ahead!